Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Natural Fiber Cloth Diapers

Natural fiber cloth diapers are a great solution for families looking to keep as many chemicals off of their baby as possible. Natural fibers also wash up easier than synthetic fibers do. Natural fibers offer more absorbency than synthetic fibers. This means that in order to achieve the same level of absorbency in a synthetic fiber diaper, the synthetic diaper will need to have more layers, and in turn, be more bulky.

Here are some examples of natural fiber cloth diapers:

Smart Bottoms

Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Holland Diaper

Get ready for Tulip Time! EcoBuns has the Holland print diaper from GroVia in stock! It won't last long. While it is here, I took the opportunity to take it next door to Dutch Village for a fun photo shoot. This diaper was made for Holland, literally. 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Buying A Baby Carrier

Are you in need of guidance on your new baby sling, wrap or carrier? If you are looking for one-on-one help with a carrier of your choice, book a consult with trained babywearing consultant Marissa Berghorst. She will guide you through step-by-step instruction on how to use your carrier with your child and how to successfully achieve Flawless Babywearing during a private, instructional consultation. Each consultation will vary based on your own, individualized needs! 

Friday, December 18, 2015

EcoFamilies: The Lawies

I first met the Lawies long before we owned EcoBuns. I fell in love with this sweet family the very first time I met them. I have been so blessed to have continued my friendship with them over the years. Chad and LeeAnn (and their kids) are some of my most favorite people in the world.

The Lawies have helped grow EcoBuns in so many ways. Before we had employees, LeeAnn and her oldest son would come to the store and help us with unpacking orders and pricing products and putting them out on the shelves. Chad is one of my business role models (He was named one of Muskgon County's 40 under 40). I could go on and on for days about how much I love this family. 

The Lawies

Monday, December 14, 2015

EcoFamiles: The Sam Fam

The Sams from Holland, Michigan

Tell us a little about your family:
We are the "Sam fam"! We live on the north side of Holland. My husband Paul is a firefighter for Park Township. I am a stay-at-home mommy of three. We have an 11year old son, Aidan, a 5 year old daughter, Everleigh and a 4 month old son, Asher! :)

Sunday, November 8, 2015

EcoFamilies: The Hales

Here at EcoBuns, we LOVE our customers! We have gotten to know the most amazing families over the last two and a half years. In this blog series, you'll get to meet some of them. 

The Hales from Wyoming, Michigan

Thursday, November 5, 2015

EcoBuns is hiring!

Seeking: part-time sales associate(s) for our Holland store. 

EcoBuns is open Tuesday - Friday 9am - 7pm, Saturday 10am - 7pm and Sunday 12pm - 6pm.

Duties To Include, But Not Limited To
Receiving, sorting, pricing and shelving new inventory
Light cleaning 
Packing up online orders
Ringing up and assisting customers
Executing opening and closing checklists
Assisting with inventory audits

Ten to twenty hours per week
Shift lengths vary from four to six hours
Must be able to lift 40lbs
Saturday availability required
To start immediately upon hire 
Previous sales experience preferred

Experience with cloth diapers and babywearing not required. We are looking for intelligent, outgoing, self-motivated, quick learning people who will fit in well with our store.

Please send a cover letter and resume to me at Marissa at EcoBuns dot com 

Not sure what to include in your cover letter? Here's an outline of questions we love to ask: 

At EcoBuns we are a small family business. Why do you want to work for us, and what makes you a good fit? 

What does the phrase 'shop local' mean to you? 

Many of our customer interaction is focused on education, as most of the items we carry in the store are a brand new concept for the families who come in, and they will require some basic guidance. 
What past experience - personal or professional - has prepared you well for this education component? 

Anything else we should know about you?

Please be sure to also include availability, total hours desired and wage requirements in your cover letter

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

New at EcoBuns: EZPZ Happy Mats

ezpz products are different than anything else on the market. Each product is an all-in-one placemat + plate / bowl made from high quality silicone. What else? The mat SUCTIONS directly to the table, making it difficult for tiny hands to tip over. 

Watch this video to see why these mats are so great!
Then head over HERE to buy your own mat!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Last Time I Wore My Preschooler

We always remember the firsts with our kids; their first words, their first steps, their first foods. It is much harder to remember their lasts.

Monday, October 26, 2015

New Prints From Thirsties

Deer, bunnies and squirrels, oh my! We are thrilled to introduce The Woodland Collection from Thirsties. The Collection includes 4 new whimsical nature-inspired prints and 1 new color.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Babywearing Photo Shoot

We had the perfect weather here in Holland, Michigan for amazing babywearing photos. We have the most photogenic customers!  Julie from You. Photography did an great job taking photos. Enjoy this sneak peak. :) 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

bumGenius 4.0 Sale

bumGenius 4.0 Sale

Valid while supplies last. Shop early for the best selection. When these are gone, so is the sale!

Click HERE to shop.

This sale is valid in our Holland, Michigan store and online.

Babywearing Dolls

Babywearing is a learned experience that can be practiced while you are pregnant. To help caregivers practice with new carriers, EcoBuns has four weighted dolls to use. They are all different weights and sizes to give you a great idea of how baby carriers fit with different size babies.  

Sally, Rose, and Hazel

To test out all of the baby carriers that EcoBuns Natural Parenting and Baby Boutique has to offer, book a personal, one on one consult with a trained baby wearing consultant. 

Click HERE to book your consult.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Five Things You Didn't Know You Can Get At EcoBuns

You already know that EcoBuns Natural Parenting and Baby Boutique is THE place to get cloth diapers from in West Michigan, but what you may not know is that we are so much more than a cloth diaper store. What else can you get at your favorite store in Holland, Michigan? So many great things! So often when I'm working at EcoBuns I hear people get so excited when they find a product that they didn't know that we carried that they have been looking for. Here's a short list of some things that you didn't know that you could get from EcoBuns.

Babywearing Photo Shoot

Happy International Babywearing Week! To celebrate, we have some exciting events planed. 

For the first time ever, we are offering babywearing mini photo shoots. Julie from YOU. photography will be out to capture sweet moments with you, your baby, and your baby carrier. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

September New Prints

What a fun week of print releases! Here is the most recent list of prints and products heading to EcoBuns! 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Tula Stock Update: August 30th, 2015

Tula Stock Update 

EcoBuns has the largest (and as far as I know, the only) stock of Tulas in West Michigan. We receive shipments of Tulas in at least twice a month. We also ship anywhere inside of the United States, and to APO/FPO addresses.

Friday, August 28, 2015

What is your favorite baby carrier?

I get asked a lot of questions at EcoBuns. Most of them revolve around cloth diapers and baby carriers. One of the most popular questions I get asked is "What is your favorite baby carrier?"

It's a hard question for me to answer. Yes, I have my favorites. I can list them all off and tell you why I love them. I can't pick just one carrier. And I can't tell someone to get a baby carrier because I personally loved using it. What I like and why I wear my babies might not be the same for you. That is why scheduling a babywearing consultation is so very important. 

Carrying my niece in a Wrapsody Water Wrap

Saturday, August 22, 2015


One day at a time. Breathe. That's my secret to making it through our NICU journey, it's how Mason is making it through too, it's how any of us do. 

I often get asked how my baby is doing is. There are so many ways that I could answer that question. And if I were to always be truthful, my answer would vary vastly depending on the exact moment that I was asked. The simple answer is that he's really doing GREAT! His brain is perfect, his heart is perfect, his digestive tract is perfect, his eyes are perfect (much to the surprise of the doctors!), he has ten perfect little toes and ten perfect little fingers. It's just his lungs that are not okay.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Inside EcoBuns

EcoBuns is THE place in West Michigan to go for all of your eco-friendly parenting products. When we first bought the store 2 1/2 years ago, it was easy to get a picture that showed everything in the store. These days it isn't as easy. 

A panoramic picture of the back half of the store. 
EcoBuns Natural Parenting and Baby Boutique has everything that you need to cloth diaper. We carry every style of cloth diapers; prefolds, covers, fitteds, All In Twos, All In Ones, Pockets, and Hybrids. 

You'll find great brands like bumGenius, GroVia, Smart Bottoms, Blueberry, Thirsties, Flip, AppleCheeks, TotsBots, and more! 

We have all of the accessories that will make your diapering experience even more enjoyable; wet bags, diaper sprayers, Spray Pals, dryer balls, detergent, cloth diapers, cloth diaper safe rash cream, disposable liners and more! 

Our Holland, Michigan store is located in the Holland Town Center, just outside of the busy downtown area. We are less than a hour drive from Grand Rapids and Muskegon. EcoBuns is well worth the road trip from St. Joseph or Kalamazoo.

If you can't visit our store, be sure to visit our website. We offer free shipping on orders over $75, and first class and priority shipping options for all orders.

Expecting a baby? Registering at EcoBuns has some great perks!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Tula Stock Update: June 20th, 2015

We have quite a few Tula Baby Carriers in stock this week. With new shipments coming in every week, you are certain to find a print that you can't live without. Here's what we have in stock right at the time of writing this blog post (June 20th, 2015 at 11am EST)

Friday, June 19, 2015

The CDC says this ingredient is just as effective as DEET!

The CDC has confirmed that an ingredient in I'll Fly Away bug spray is just as effective as DEET. You can feel good about putting I'll Fly Away on your family. It is a natural way to repel pesky bugs with out the fear of exposing your children to the risks of DEET.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Baby Safe Bug Spray and Sunscreen

Here in West Michigan there has been a lot of talk about ticks and mosquitoes. It seems like everyday my news feed on Facebook is filled with articles on how to remove ticks or how to check your children and pets for ticks.

Most preventive remedies call for harsh chemical that aren't safe for babies. (If we are being honest, they probably aren't safe for adults either) 

EcoBuns Natural Baby Boutique in Holland, Michigan has two great products that are must haves for this summer and are safe for babies. 

Two Ways To Earn Rewards At EcoBuns

Two ways to earn rewards at ecobuns:



  1. Once you've placed your order and it has shipped, your MyRewards Point will be redeemable in [30] days.
  2. To view your MyRewards, simply go to MyRewards.
  3. Enter the total amount (in points) you'd like to redeem (200 points = $1).
  4. You're now ready to save on your next purchase. Upon placing your order, your available MyRewards will automatically be deducted from the total purchase amount.



  1. When you make a purchase in store, we will set you up with a rewards card.
  2. Every time you make a purchase, we will put the pre-tax total on a box on the back of the card.
  3. When you fill your card (5 purchases) you will receive a gift card to the store worth 5% of the total purchases on your card. 
  4. When you use your reward in-store, you will get started with a new card so you can continue to earn rewards. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Welcome Baby Boy

Meghan is one of the owners at EcoBuns Natural Parenting and Baby Boutique. Local shoppers will see her at the store a couple of times a week, but she typically does most of her work from home while caring for her 2 year old son and, on most days, Marissa's two children as well. She is the one who does a lot of the behind the scenes work, like ordering fun, new products for the store, making sure all your favorite products are stocked, bookkeeping, and making sure that everything runs smoothly. She is a health and wellness enthusiast, wife and mother to 2. To read her first blog post about her pregnancy, click here.

Today I had planned to be writing about hitting the 30 week mark in my pregnancy - what a milestone that felt like (30!) and update everyone on how my what-would-have-been 7 week hospital stay was going. Instead, I am sitting in the comforts of my own home and am here to share the news that my sweet little boy was born 1 week ago.

[Mason's first kiss from Daddy - at 6 days old]

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Great Cloth Diaper Survey

 How does your experience compare? Share how you use cloth diapers. All CURRENT cloth diapering parents are encouraged to participate.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Favorite things Friday: Keeki Sunscreen

In my younger years, I was never a big fan of sunscreen. I hadn't been introduced to the world of natural sunscreens, and I hated the thought of rubbing all those chemicals into my skin. Now that I'm older, wiser (aka have started to notice what the sun will do to your skin!) and have a child to worry about, it's one of my favorite summer accessories. And my all-time favorite sunscreen: KEEKI!

My family was recently on vacation, and my only regret was not bringing more Keeki with me! We ended up finishing our bottle on the last day, which was cutting it a little too close for my liking. (I should have listened to my mom when she told me to get another bottle!)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Mother's Day Gifts

Mother's Day is this Sunday. If you are on the hunt for the perfect gift, there is still time to get it at EcoBuns. We offer free gift wrapping to help save you even more time. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Tulip Time: Family Rest Area

It's Tulip Time in Holland, Michigan! For all you locals, or those planning on visiting, there is a Family Rest Area available for your use. This is something that EcoBuns Natural Parenting and Baby Boutique has helped sponsor for the past four years. It's the perfect place for you to feed and change your baby, or to relax with your family.

Changing Area Provided by EcoBuns (Photo from 2014's Family Rest Area)

Monday, April 27, 2015

Meghan's Pregnancy Update: 25 Weeks

Meghan is one of the owners at EcoBuns Natural Parenting and Baby Boutique. Local shoppers will see her at the store a couple of times a week, but she typically does most of her work from home while caring for her 2 year old son and, on most days, Marissa's two children as well. She is the one who does a lot of the behind the scenes work, like ordering fun, new products for the store, making sure all your favorite products are stocked, bookkeeping, and making sure that everything runs smoothly. She is a health and wellness enthusiast, wife and mother to 2 - a 2 year old boy and a baby on the way.

Today is the 25 week mark in my pregnancy. And that is cause for celebration! In fact, every day that my precious little baby stays healthy and inside is cause for celebration. I'm in a bit of a unique situation this time around - my water broke when I was just about 21 weeks along.

[25 weeks pregnant with baby #2]

Monday, April 13, 2015

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Ring Sling Workshop

This interactive workshop taught by babywearing consultant Marissa Berghorst, focuses on ring slings. This workshop is suitable for parents and caregivers of babies and toddlers, as well as expecting parents.

Slings will be provided.

All teaching will take place with demo dolls, but you are welcome to bring your baby.

Workshops are for a maximum of 4 participants and will take 45 minutes- 1 hour.

Tula Stock Update: April 4, 2015

Tula baby carriers come in the most adorable prints. They are constantly coming out with new prints. Here is what we have in stock in store and online right now (as of 4.4.15 at 11am)

Blue Zig Zag
Gray Zig Zag

Gray Zig Zag

We already have our next two shipments of Tula prints ordered. Keep watching for stock updates. Download the EcoBuns app on your mobile device to get Tula notifications sent straight to your phone or other mobile device.

To see a current list of Tula carriers, check our website or blog posts about Tula stockings.

Join Our Email List

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

WrapDuo: Water and Sport Wrap

Introducing WrapDuO: Water and Sport Wrap
We have received many requests to bring in a baby carrier that is safe to use in the water. We searched high and low to find the perfect one for our customers. 

While I was in Chicago a few weeks ago for a babywearing training, I was introduced to Wrapsody. Their carriers are AMAZING. As soon as I saw that they had a wrap that was safe to use in water, I knew we had to bring this into EcoBuns. This wrap is great for the beach (hello Lake Michigan!!), splash pad, and shower. It is elegant enough for everyday use as well. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sunning Diapers

Sun in Michigan is something that cloth diaper families get really excited about. We don't see a whole lot of it in the winter months, and we love to take advantage of it when we can. Your cloth diapers will eventually have stains on them even though you have thoroughly cleaned them. The sun is great at removing stains from cloth diapers, or anything really. A few hours in the sun will get back to looking new. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

GroVia retired prints

Earlier this week, GroVia announced that they are retiring all of the current prints, in all styles.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Trained Babyweraing Consultant

Are you in need of guidance on your new baby sling, wrap or carrier? If you are looking for one-on-one help with a carrier of your choice, book a consult with trained babywearing consultant Marissa Berghorst. She will guide you through step-by-step instruction on how to use your carrier with your child and how to successfully achieve Flawless Babywearing during a private, instructional consultation. Each consultation will vary based on your own, individualized needs! 

CLICK HERE to book your private babywearing consult with Marissa Berghorst

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

GroVia Hybrid Cloth Diaper

Today's parents crave flexibility in diapering. With the GroVia hybrid diaper system, parents can choose from three absorbency options to meet their changing needs. Choose from our original snap in cloth Soaker Pads, eco-friendly disposable BioSoaker, or economical bamboo Prefold to pair with your colorful GroVia Shell. With GroVia there is no wrong choice!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Five Stretches For Breastfeeding Moms

Guest blog post by Peasley Brothers Chiropractic:

You have waited 9 long months, and now you have your bundle of joy you have spent so much time preparing for! One would think the toil and stress put on your body would now be decreased since you're no longer carrying the baby in your belly and you've delivered your wonderful child. Then comes breastfeeding. Not only are you feeding your child, but you are most likely: tired, exhausted, sleep deprived, and not concerned with your spinal health. That is until your mid-back starts to ache, and you are still required to do those feedings. 
We are writing this post with mothers who are breast feeding in mind! We would like to help you get healthy and give you tools to stay healthy; because we know your family depends on you. As chiropractors, we understand the structure of your spine effects the function of your body. If a bone in your spine has moved out of place from all of those hunched over feedings then we know it will help you to adjust the bone back into the right position.  We also want you to hold the bone in the right position, so we are going to give you some exercises that will help you mommy on.

#EcoBunsTurns2 Giveaway Winners

Thank you to everyone who entered our giveaways this weekend! They were so much fun! Here are the winners! (Winner were also notified by phone or email) Winners have have one week to claim their prizes. Prizes that are not picked up by 7pm on Tuesday, March 10 will be considered forfeited and a new winner will be chosen. 

A+A bubble bath:

  • Jessica L
  • Ashley A
  • Sarah L
  • Lisa A
  • Nicole K
  • Kelli H
Aden + Anais Wash Set (Blue)
  • Joshua B
Aden + Anais Wash Set (Pink)
  • Heather B

Earth Momma Angle Baby Gift Set
  • Erica M
Bummis wipes and liners
  • Julia K
Discovery Toy (Donated by Elizabeth Reynolds) 
  • Sherry D
Logan And Lenora Day Tripper
  • Jackie S
Smart Bottoms Diaper
  • Kent B
  • Jill M
Smart Bottoms Wet Bag
  • Magan M
Thirsties Pocket Diaper
  • Christa M
$50 Gift Card to EcoBuns (Scavenger Hunt Winner)
  • Stephanie C
$50 Gift Card to EcoBuns (Online Winner)
  • Melissa D

Friday, February 27, 2015

#EcoBunsturns2 Giveaway

We are kicking off our Facebook party with an online giveaway! Enter below for your chance to win a $50 gift card to EcoBuns!

New at EcoBuns {Part 2}

EcoBuns is more than a cloth diaper store. While we do have the best selection of cloth diapers, we also have other amazing parenting products! We do have new diapers to show off at the in-store party. Right now, I want to introduce you to some of the newest products at EcoBuns.

The Itzy Ritzy Nursing Happens Infinity Breastfeeding Scarf offers you a fashionable, everyday style that is convenient to wear and use while nursing your baby. Nothing to take on or off, just unwrap the Nursing Happens Infinity Breastfeeding Scarf from around your neck and adjust the fabric to cover all sides of you and your baby. This infinity scarf offers you full coverage in front as well in the back without snaps or buckles, while providing airflow and ability to maintain eye contact with your baby. Made of 50-percent cotton and 50-percent polyester jersey knit with finished edges, the Nursing Happens scarf is a single sided chevron print with a white back.

This breastfeeding scarf measures 34-inches by 28-inches and will retain your smell for baby in order to help encourage bonding and attachment time with you. The Nursing Happens Infinity Breastfeeding Scarf is machine washable and line drying is recommended for easy cleaning.

#EcoBunsturns2 {Part 1}

For so long you have asked us to carry feeding supplies. We hear you! Here is the FIRST of the feeding products we are announcing this weekend! 

Introducing Comotomo Bottles 

These soft, squeezable bottles feature a silicone nipple that mimics breastfeeding and eases breast-to-bottle transitioning. The wide-neck design makes for easy dishwasher cleaning, while strategic, leak-free vents are designed to help prevent colic.

  • Naturally shaped, soft, silicone nipples Ideal for breastfed babies
  • Wide neck design for easy cleaning
  • Safe in microwave, boiling water, dishwashers and sterilizers
  • Innovative and non leaking anti colic vents
  • Squeezable, soft, skin-like texture for happy baby
  • 100% safe materials: BPA, PVC, Phthalate free
  • 5oz and 8oz bottles

Thursday, February 26, 2015

2nd Annual Birthday Celebration

This Saturday is our 2nd Annual Birthday Celebration! We will have games, giveaways, fluff photos, new product launches, and TONS of fun!! If this is your first big celebration here are a few things to note:

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Thirsties Hemp Insert

Need an overnight solution? Looking to add on to your current reusable diapering system as an answer for your little heavy wetter? Accessorize with a Thirsties Hemp Insert for the very best in bulletproof protection against leaks.
The steady and stable absorption characteristics of hemp works best behind the fast absorbing power of the microfiber terry soaker of Thirsties Fab Fitteds and One Size Pocket Diaper. Our experience has proven that the combination of microfiber terry and hemp provides the very best absorption capabilities with the least amount of bulk.
Thirsties Hemp Inserts add a tremendous amount of additional absorption capabilities to your existing cloth diapering system yet adds only the thickness of two stacked nickels! Made from 6 layers of remarkably soft hemp & cotton blend knit jersey, you will find that these are exactly what your baby needs to sleep comfortably through the night without leaks.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Blueberry Wet Dry Bag

Blueberry Wet Bag is a handy little bag to take with you when you want to simplify your load when going out and about with your baby. The bag features 2 zippered pockets - one for your wet diapers and one for your clean ones and/or wipes. Simply zip it up and hang it from a convenient doorknob or hook. 

Waterproof laminated polyester lining and quality designer cotton prints keep your bag dry and looking fashionable. Plus, once your little ones are out of diapers, reuse the bag as a stylish multi-purpose pool bag, gym bag, grocery bag, or carry-all. These bags can accommodate up to 8 diapers.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Sample Newborn Cloth Diaper Stash

Getting a variety of newborn (or size one) cloth diapers is a great way to decide what style and brand works best for you and your baby. This list will give you 36 diaper changes. A newborn goes through 12-16 diaper changes at day. With 36 diaper changes, you will be able to go 2-3 days in between washing your cloth diapers. This list will also let you try out different styles and materials to see what you and your baby like the most.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Best of 2014: Results

For the second year in a row, we asked our loyal EcoBuns customers what products they love the most from EcoBuns. Here are the final survey results for 2014. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Save The Date: Our Second Birthday Celebration!

That's right friends! If you were at last year's party, you'll remember what an amazing time it was. Meghan, Vicki, and I have a ton of exciting things planned for the day, including the return of Fluff Photos. Keep watching for updates.

join our email list: Sign Up Now

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What People Are Saying About EcoBuns

I love EcoBuns. My family hasn't always owned the store. EcoBuns first opened as an online only retailer of cloth diapers back in 2009, and opened the brick and mortar store in 2010. Vicki (my mom), Meghan (my sister) and I became owners in 2013. I was one of Kellie's original shoppers when she was based out of the living room of her house. I LOVED EcoBuns way back then.

As it turns out, I'm not the only one who loves it. I may be a bit biased in my opinion. So don't take my word on how great EcoBuns is. Ask our customers what they think. Here's just a few of their reviews from our facebook page:

Friday, January 9, 2015

Natural Teething Remedies

Teething can be hard on babies AND parents. Find relief naturally so everyone in the house is happy.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Best of 2014 Survey

It's that time of year again! Enter to win $25 to spend at EcoBuns just by telling us your favorite products!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Turn Your Onya Baby Carrier Into A Seat For Baby

Onya Baby never ceases to amaze me. One of my favorite parts about this baby carrier is that it turns an adult chair into a seat for a baby. Watch this video to see how simple it is.