Getting a variety of newborn (or size one) cloth diapers is a great way to decide what style and brand works best for you and your baby. This list will give you 36 diaper changes. A newborn goes through 12-16 diaper changes at day. With 36 diaper changes, you will be able to go 2-3 days in between washing your cloth diapers. This list will also let you try out different styles and materials to see what you and your baby like the most.
Sample Newborn Diaper Stash

bumGenius Newborn Diaper
Newborn Simplex AIO diaper
AppleCheek Size 1 Bundles
TotsBots TeenyFit
GroVia Newborn Diaper
Born Smart newborn Diaper
If 36 is more diaper changes than you want, start off by getting 2-3 of each option listed above. That will still give you a great sampling, but you will be washing more often.
Thanks for the tip for a newbie who can go overboard with the options out there.