I want diapers made in the United States:
If you really want to support local, go with Smart Bottoms. Not only are Smart Bottoms made in the United States, they are based in West Michigan. They source all of their materials from the United States expect for their hemp and thread. Other great Made in the USA diapers are Thirsties, Best bottoms, and Kiwi Pie fitteds.I want daycare and babysitter friendly diapers.
If you are planning on returning to work after baby is born, or you are currently working, and need diapers that daycare and babysitters will be on board with, chose All In One diapers like Thirsties, BumGenius Freetimes, or TotsBots Easy Fits. An All In One diaper is most like a disposable diaper. Consider choosing a diaper with a hook and loop closure (similar to Velcro) for quick and easy diaper changes.
I want diapers that are easy, and can be customized to meet baby's changing needs.
If you are looking for something easy to put on baby, and that can be customeized, choose pocket diapers. Each pocket diaper has an opening, or pocket, that you put the absorbent piece of the diaper in. This allows you to customize the absorbency level by adding or removing inserts. You can also adjust where the insert sits in the diaper so you can have more absorbency in the front for boys, and middle for girls. Our top pick: bumGenius 4.0I want diapers that fit into a tight budget.
If you looking to spend the least amount of money as possible and sill get a great quality diaper that will last for multiple children, chose prefolds and covers. Prefolds are much more simpler than what most people think. They are a great, absorbent diaper. Our top pick for budget: Econobum diaper kit. This kit contains 12 prefolds, 3 covers and a wetbag for under $60. That's a full day's worth of diapers and the wet bag to store them in!
View a video on how to fold a prefold diaper HERE.
View a video on how to fold a prefold diaper HERE.
I want diapers that give me the option to do a disposable insert when I'm on vacation.
If you plan on traveling a lot with baby and want the option to use an eco friendly disposable insert, choose Hybrid diapers. Hybrid diapers allow you to use either a cloth insert or a biodegradable disposable insert in the same outer shell. Our top pick: GroViaIf you are still having trouble deciding, sign up for Buns Boot Camp, or take advantage of our $50 Cloth Diaper Trial.
It's our mission at EcoBuns to help you love cloth diapers as much as we do. If you have any questions, please call us at 616.395.5555 or email info@ecobuns.com
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